Science Supports Lavender for Menopause

Menopause or peri-menopausal symptoms can go misdiagnosed for a long time. Menopause is defined as the point where a woman's cycle stops for a period of 12 months, typically after the age of 45, when the ovaries stop producing the hormones progesterone and estrogen. The decline of estrogen doesn't happen overnight, and the process usually presents uncomfortable and challenging symptoms that many women suffer from, often without understanding why.

The more challenging symptoms include hot flashes, or random moments of feeling flushed and hot, often coming at the most inconvenient times. Their cousin, night sweats, are just as annoying and uncomfortable to deal with. Milder symptoms include anxiety, mood swings, and insomnia, and while these are not all the symptoms associated with menopause, these are the ones that lavender can help with scientific evidence to prove it.

Lavender for hot flashes & night sweats

In a 2016 study, menopausal women who sniffed lavender for 20 minutes twice daily over a 12-week period experienced significantly reduced flushing compared to the control group. [1]

"This study indicated that the use of lavender aromatherapy reduced menopause flushing. Given the impact of stress on flushing and the undesirable effects of menopause symptoms on the quality of life, it would appear that this simple, noninvasive, safe, and effective method can be used by menopausal women with noticeable benefits."


While this shows the benefits of inhalation, you may also find that using lavender oil topically and ingesting it produces similar benefits.

Lavender for insomnia, anxiety & anger

We have already written about the scientific evidence supporting lavender for insomnia, anxiety and anger management.

To recap, several animal experiments suggest anti-anxiety, sedative, pain relieving, and anti-convulsive and neuroprotective properties for lavender.

"Continuous exposures to lavender essential oils for 7 days significantly inhibited anxiety- and depression-like behaviors tested by elevated plus-maze and forced swimming tests in rats..." [2]


Several studies in our previous article show that lavender oil performed well to not only help subjects fall asleep, but also stay in deep slow-wave sleep longer.

It is common for women to mentally and emotionally suffer through these changes without relief. By simply eating, drinking, inhaling, or topically using lavender oil, women will likely find relief from the most common symptoms of menopause.

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Disclaimer: This is not a substitute for medical advice or mental health advice. Be sure to seek professional help from your Doctor.


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